Kerala, the worst affected state in the country, has reported 65,252 active cases. The Centre on Wednesday deployed a high-level central team headed by Dr. SK Singh, Director, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) there, to help the state combat the pandemic.<\/div>

Maharashtra witnessed slight improvement with 51,969 active cases reported on Thursday morning. Delhi has 4,481 active cases, 6,13,246 recoveries, and 10,625 fatalities, according to the Health Ministry.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":7,"sub":"","t":"Jan 07, 2021-11:06:21","title":"
Kerala, the worst affected state in the country, has reported 65,252 active cases. The Centre on Wednesday deployed a high-level central team headed by Dr. SK Singh, Director, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) there, to help the state combat the pandemic.<\/div>

Maharashtra witnessed slight improvement with 51,969 active cases reported on Thursday morning. Delhi has 4,481 active cases, 6,13,246 recoveries, and 10,625 fatalities, according to the Health Ministry.<\/div>","type":"nfeed"});