00:00<\/b> Covid Vaccine Transport Module Finalised, Likely To Start Soon<\/b><\/a>
The government has prepared a detailed draft for air transportation of COVID-19 vaccines and the movement of vaccine to different parts of the nation is likely to begin by today or tomorrow.<\/div>

\"For vaccine transportation across the country, a common draft has been made. It will shortly be shared with stakeholders. The transportation of vaccine is likely to begin by today or tomorrow,\" government sources said.<\/div>

Transportation of COVID vaccine module has been finalised by the Government of India.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"https:\/\/www.ndtv.com\/india-news\/covid-vaccine-transport-module-finalised-likely-to-start-soon-2349076","s":21,"sub":"","t":"Jan 07, 2021-16:13:00","title":"
The government has prepared a detailed draft for air transportation of COVID-19 vaccines and the movement of vaccine to different parts of the nation is likely to begin by today or tomorrow.<\/div>

\"For vaccine transportation across the country, a common draft has been made. It will shortly be shared with stakeholders. The transportation of vaccine is likely to begin by today or tomorrow,\" government sources said.<\/div>

Transportation of COVID vaccine module has been finalised by the Government of India.<\/div>","type":"nfeed"});