
Transportation of COVID19 vaccine to begin by today or tomorrow. Govt has allowed passenger aircraft to transport vaccines. Pune will be central hub from where vaccine distribution will take place. 41 destinations across the country finalised for delivery of vaccines:Govt sources<\/p>- ANI (@ANI) January 7, 2021<\/a><\/blockquote><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":12,"sub":"","t":"Jan 07, 2021-14:03:41","title":"

Transportation of COVID19 vaccine to begin by today or tomorrow. Govt has allowed passenger aircraft to transport vaccines. Pune will be central hub from where vaccine distribution will take place. 41 destinations across the country finalised for delivery of vaccines:Govt sources<\/p>— ANI (@ANI) January 7, 2021<\/a><\/blockquote>","type":"nfeed"});