00:00<\/b> coronavirus news: Odisha is ready with logistics for COVID-19 vaccination, says Naveen Patnaik<\/font>

Odisha government is fully prepared for COVID-19 vaccination in the state, and logistics system has been set up for its smooth conduct, said Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday.<\/div>
\"The vaccination process in the country is likely to start soon and for that complete database has been prepared in Odisha and a logistics system has been set up for smooth conduct of the Vaccination process,\" said Mr Patnaik during the review of COVID-19 situation in the state, as quoted by the state government's press release.<\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":8,"sub":"","t":"Dec 11, 2020-11:36:42","title":"

Odisha government is fully prepared for COVID-19 vaccination in the state, and logistics system has been set up for its smooth conduct, said Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday.<\/div>
\"The vaccination process in the country is likely to start soon and for that complete database has been prepared in Odisha and a logistics system has been set up for smooth conduct of the Vaccination process,\" said Mr Patnaik during the review of COVID-19 situation in the state, as quoted by the state government's press release.","type":"nfeed"});