
With 29,398 new #COVID19<\/a> infections, India's total cases rise to 97,96,770.

With 414 new deaths, toll mounts to 1,42,186 .Total active cases at 3,63,749

Total discharged cases at 92,90,834 with 37,528 new discharges in the last 24 hours
pic.twitter.com\/GEQpc3AkSv<\/a><\/p>- ANI (@ANI) December 11, 2020<\/a><\/blockquote><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":3,"sub":"","t":"Dec 11, 2020-09:53:31","title":"

With 29,398 new #COVID19<\/a> infections, India's total cases rise to 97,96,770.

With 414 new deaths, toll mounts to 1,42,186 .Total active cases at 3,63,749

Total discharged cases at 92,90,834 with 37,528 new discharges in the last 24 hours
pic.twitter.com\/GEQpc3AkSv<\/a><\/p>— ANI (@ANI) December 11, 2020<\/a><\/blockquote>","type":"nfeed"});