
Andhra Pradesh reports 538 new #COVID19<\/a> cases in the last 24 hours taking the total number of cases in the State to 8,73,995 as per State Health Department

Total active cases stand at 5,237
pic.twitter.com\/kMyGz5Evzd<\/a><\/p>- ANI (@ANI) December 10, 2020<\/a><\/blockquote><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":25,"sub":"","t":"Dec 10, 2020-18:12:10","title":"

Andhra Pradesh reports 538 new #COVID19<\/a> cases in the last 24 hours taking the total number of cases in the State to 8,73,995 as per State Health Department

Total active cases stand at 5,237
pic.twitter.com\/kMyGz5Evzd<\/a><\/p>— ANI (@ANI) December 10, 2020<\/a><\/blockquote>","type":"nfeed"});