Kerala Makes Coronavirus Safety Rules A Must For 1 Year<\/b><\/div>

The Kerala government said safety rules for the coronavirus pandemic will have to be followed for the next one year. Wearing masks or<\/a> face covers in public and social distancing are among the rules that will be mandatory. Masks will also have to be worn at workplaces and six feet of social distancing will apply everywhere.<\/div>

Weddings can only be attended by up to 50 people and funerals by 20. No manner of social gatherings, get-together, processions, dharnas, congregations or demonstration can be conducted without written permission from authorities. Participants in such gatherings will not exceed 10 people, the government said.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":21,"sub":"","t":"Jul 05, 2020-17:52:56","title":"