Two special trains carrying migrants leave from Kalyan<\/b><\/div>

Two Shramik Special trains carrying more than 2,100 migrant workers left on Tuesday night from Kalyan junction in Thane district, Maharashtra, the Central Railway said. One of them, carrying nearly 1,200 migrants, left for Darbhanga in Bihar.<\/div>

The end-to-end service departed at 8:37 pm carrying only the registered and nominated passengers cleared by the Maharashtra government, a release said.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":49,"sub":"","t":"May 06, 2020-02:53:07","title":"
Two special trains carrying migrants leave from Kalyan<\/b><\/div>

Two Shramik Special trains carrying more than 2,100 migrant workers left on Tuesday night from Kalyan junction in Thane district, Maharashtra, the Central Railway said. One of them, carrying nearly 1,200 migrants, left for Darbhanga in Bihar.<\/div>

The end-to-end service departed at 8:37 pm carrying only the registered and nominated passengers cleared by the Maharashtra government, a release said.<\/div>","type":"nfeed"});