Over 3 lakh Indians from Gulf register to return home<\/b><\/div>

As India prepares to carry out its biggest evacuation during the coronavirus pandemic, over 3 lakh people in the Gulf region have registered themselves to return home.<\/div>

However, at the moment, India is planning to bring back only those citizens who are registered under the category of compelling cases.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":46,"sub":"","t":"May 06, 2020-00:48:04","title":"
Over 3 lakh Indians from Gulf register to return home<\/b><\/div>

As India prepares to carry out its biggest evacuation during the coronavirus pandemic, over 3 lakh people in the Gulf region have registered themselves to return home.<\/div>

However, at the moment, India is planning to bring back only those citizens who are registered under the category of compelling cases.<\/div>","type":"nfeed"});