Officials of SAARC countries to meet over coronavirus pandemic<\/b><\/div>

Commerce ministry officials of all the SAARC countries will hold deliberations in the next few days on possible areas of cooperation to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the region, official sources said on Wednesday.<\/div>

At an India-initiated video conference of SAARC leaders on March 15, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested that the member nations of the bloc should come together to jointly fight against the pandemic.<\/div><\/div>","entype":"Text","h":"","img":"","imgalt":"","imgcaption":"","key":"False","link":"","s":77,"sub":"","t":"Apr 02, 2020-01:40:20","title":"
Officials of SAARC countries to meet over coronavirus pandemic<\/b><\/div>

Commerce ministry officials of all the SAARC countries will hold deliberations in the next few days on possible areas of cooperation to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the region, official sources said on Wednesday.<\/div>

At an India-initiated video conference of SAARC leaders on March 15, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested that the member nations of the bloc should come together to jointly fight against the pandemic.<\/div>","type":"nfeed"});